
I just discovered this cool new app called Flipagram.  It allows you to put several images together on a 15 or 30 second loop and you can also add music.  Many times when I am listening to a song I get a really cool idea for a collage or painting that would go along with it and I haven’t really found a good way to express that.  This seems, for me, to be a really fun, quick way to put images together set to music without having to use video editing software.  I have made a couple over the last several days and am really enjoying them.

http://flipagram.com/f/je2LffNx9r#Screen shot 2014-01-15 at 8.38.59 PM


Ahh…the beach

I really miss living directly on the coast so now I try to make the 90 or so mile round trip as often as I can to get to the beach.  This day was particularly cold and cloudy, but I enjoyed it anyway.  I was happy about most of the interesting things I saw on the beach but not super excited about any particular shot.  As I was driving down the long road that leaves the state park, I noticed a bald eagle in a tree.  I had seen it in this area before but was never able to get this close.  I was wishing for a longer lens but was still happy I got a few good shots.

bald eagle bald point vignette beach balt point sm spanish bayonet sm